About Us
leading tour specialists to medjugorje
Discover Medjugorje Peace Tours is a leading tour agency organizing the most excellent tours to Medjugorje. We have been running for 20 years working with local guides with nearly 40 years of experience and the most senior office staff with decades in the industry. Our tours are packaged by the leading experts in Medjugorje with contacts there at the highest level and we are happy to provide this to you to bring you the best experience possible. Founded in London, United Kingdom working together with experts in Medjugorje we have offices in London, Ireland, UK, Medjugorje, and the USA. Our aim and joy is for you to discover Medjugorje and that it may bring you the lasting peace and joy it brings all those who visit there.

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All funds paid are fully protected and held in a trust account by Protected Trust Services Ltd (PTS). PTS ensures complete consumer protection by adding extra financial security. All PTS members are fully package travel regulations compliant. Consumers can ensure that a travel company is a PTS member before booking for peace of mind. They simply need to look for the logo and PTS number or contact PTS directly. PTS reconciles money daily so all consumers and members will be able to track their monies in real time. This is only available with PTS.

ATOL Licenced
Discover Medjugorje Peace Tours is fully ATOL protected for your peace of mind. Our unique ATOL Number is 11440.

ATOL Licence A Legal Requirement For All Pilgrimages Know Your Rights
It is a legal requirement for all companies that package together and sell tours to overseas destination from the UK to hold an ATOL license and provide each customer with an ATOL Certificate. Please check https://www.atol.org/check-for-atol/ If a registered UK company or private organiser is selling you an overseas tour package without providing you their ATOL number this is an illegal sale. The UK Civil Aviation Authorities requires that all sales of overseas tours are to be ATOL protected by the seller. ATOL stands for Air Travel Operators License and protects your finance should the company or seller go into administration, legally enforcing

Discover Medjugorje Peace Tours
Discover Medjugorje Peace Tours is a trading style of The National Pilgrimage Centre Ltd . We are fully ATOL protected, and registered with companies House company number 09510672. All UK bookings also are done as Protected Trust Services members, adding extra financial protection to your booking.
Contact us
For enquiries please contact info@discovermedj.com
“41 years ago, the Lord wanted to start a place of grace in this place. Whoever comes here, young people, adults, children, families, enter into grace.
Peace! Peace! Peace! May peace reign between God and people! This profound message sets two clear starting points for peace: God and man, God and human being. Harmony between God and human beings is an essential act for world peace”
Papal Envoy to Medjugorje
Archbishop Aldo Cavalli

Medjugorje History
On 24th 1981, in the small village of Medjugorje, Bosnia and Hercegovina, 6 children reported having daily apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary introducing herself as “The Queen of Peace” with an urgent message for conversion and peace and that she has “come to call the world to conversion for the last time ” declaring these are her final apparitions in this way on earth.
Since day one the children were met by disbelief, persecution, arrests by the then-communist regime, visionaries declared enemy of state by the Communists, and even disbelief from the Church. But every hurdle these young children overcame, Our Lady promised this will all pass and the Church will come to confirm what is born of God.
Both the parish priest and bishop were visited by the communists, and later Wikileaks would reveal a KGB operation to shut down the apparitions called “OPERATION CRNCA” The parish priest, skeptical of the visionaries found himself stunned with Our Lady speaking to him to “protect the Children” and did exactly so, finding himself arrested and sentenced for 3 years imprisonment by the communist police. The local bishop who publically said there is no way the visionaries were lying, changed his stance and did his best to stop the apparitions. The secret communist visits to the priest and bishop were detailed and controversially the Bishop was found to have involvement with the KGB operation to shut Medjugorje phenomenon down. Visionary Mirjana Soldo was declared enemy of state, the visionaries parents lost their jobs, were regularly arrested and threatened with much worse.
Pope Benedict XVI ordered, for the first time in 2000 year Church History, a Vatican Commission to study the Medjugorje Phenomena, and removed the local bishop from jurisdiction and had the commission examine the reports of the involvement. Consequently, the commission concluded communist pressure from the KGB on the bishop resulted at mistreated and often harsh behaviour against the visionaries, and that they recommend the Pope quietly removes his authority, establish a new bishop and also a Papal envoy that can manage Medjugorje directly. Pope Francis succeeded and did exactly this, Medjugorje is now the only Parish in the world outside of the Vatican that falls directly under the Pope!
Over 40 years on, The apparitions still continue and have outlived communism, seeing many of the communists themselves converted and apologizing to the visionaries, has become the most scientifically studied supernatural phenomena in the history of mankind, with medical doctors, scientisits and psychologists confirming the visionaries experience as authentic and Medjugorje has now reached papal recognition with annual letters to be read out by the Pope, and a Papal envoy resides there and reports to the pope once a month.
Medjugorje has arguably has caused more conversions to the Catholic Faith in the history of mankind, with fruits of conversions unheard in this scale of since the apparitions of Guadalupe.

Start Travelling with us
Pope Authorizes Official Pilgrimages to Medjugorje
Pope Francis in an annual meeting about Medjugorje with Apostolic Visitator to Medjugorje, Archbishop Aldo Cavalli

–Pope Francis’ annual letter to
Medjugorje Youth Festival
“I joyfully address you who are participating in the Youth Festival in Medjugorje, an occasion to celebrate and renew your faith. I hope you will live these days as a spiritual pilgrimage that will lead you to encounter the Lord Jesus… may Mary Most Holy accompany you and teach you to discern and welcome the will of the heavenly Father in your lives.”