The International Spiritual Retreat for Married Couples will be held for the 24th time next year, and this time it will also be held on a new date. In previous years, it was held at the end of the year, and the next retreat will be held in early 2025 and will be held in Medjugorje from February 5 to 8, 2025.
The theme of this spiritual retreat, like for all the other spiritual retreats in Medjugorje, will be “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” (Ps 122:1).
The lecturer at this spiritual retreat will be Br. Jure Barišić, who has been serving as the assistant parish priest in Medjugorje since August 2022.
In addition to daily participation in the evening prayer programme, the participants will be participating in the lectures, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, prayers on Cross Mountain, Apparition Hill…
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